THE family resort

A ski resort designed for families!

The children may deserve a holiday, but the parents do TOO! It's great to be together as a family but even BETTER to have time for yourself! Everything is organised for YOU, to make sure that parents and children, teenagers, toddlers, grandparents, brothers, sisters and others get the best from their holidays. 

Unforgettable moments to share as a family !

karamel mascoette les karellis station de ski familiale

Relaxing moments to enjoy...

ascenceur panoramique les karellis station de ski savoie

Basically, successful family holidays are holidays where everyone comes home rested and delighted with their trip! 

The only community resort in Europe, Les Karellis is an extraterrestrial in the world of ski resorts! Only using social economy operators (charities, cooperatives, public town...
A mountain resort designed for families! If the children have well deserved their holidays, the Parents TOO! So that parents, children, teenagers, babies, grandparents, brothers and sisters...

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